Interviews are never fun. I’ve always considered them an hour long battle for your pride and dignity… or whatever is left of it anyway. Coming up with ingenious ways to express how valuable you’d be to a company can be an arduous task… and then there are those questions that are so general you don’t know where to begin. Here are some of the toughest interview questions and answers that will intrigue the interviewer.
1. Why should I hire you?
This question is often asked in an interview and while it seems to be pretty straight forward, the interviewer definitely does not want a basic answer. He or she wants specifics. Don’t just say “I’m a hard worker and I always get the job done.” Of course you’re going to say that on an interview, but it’s too vague and not a memorable answer. Give specific examples of problems you solved and how you made a difference at your last company.
2. Where do you see yourself in five years?
This question is tricky because you don’t want to say where you think you’d be within the company you are interviewing for a position, because that can be a bit presumptuous and might turn the interviewer off. Focus on accomplishments you hope to meet and exceed in the next five years and describe where you’ll be with career goals you’ve set for yourself.
3. How would your coworkers describe you?
The interviewer wants to find out what qualities you value most about yourself, because ultimately those are the traits colleagues find to be indispensible. This question is always a way to gage how modest or overconfident you are, so rather than saying “I’m creative, positive, and a huge asset to the team,” you can give situations where your positive interactions helped coworkers. ALWAYS GIVE SPECIFIC EXAMPLES to back up your statements.
4. What are your hobbies?
This question may seem odd to ask since it really has no relation to the duties in your job, but the interviewer is trying to get a sense of you as an individual. What you do outside of work can show how you’ll adjust to the corporate culture as well as reveal your work ethic and how you may function with others in a team environment.
5. Have you ever worked with someone you didn’t like?
Hiring managers want to know how you handle situations with coworkers you don’t particularly enjoy. Specify how you sought out the value of the individual as an employee making it possible to find common ground and work together in a positive environment. While you may not spend time with the individual outside of work, you figured out a way to efficiently work together.
6. Are you considering other positions?
Yes. It’s a realistic and honest answer. An active job seeker is looking into multiple options and hiring managers know this. They will not be shocked and put off by you honesty and may even feel it necessary to fight for you!