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The Value of Networking, by, Eileen Riebling

handshakeIn today’s economic market, networking is something that is not only important and informative, it’s essential for career growth.  An estimated 80-85% of jobs are found through networking which is a very impressive number.  Whether you’re job hunting, seeking advice, or looking to enrich and further develop business or personal relationships, networking is something that should not be overlooked. 

I recently attended a breakfast panel discussion at The Cornell Club sponsored by Georgetown University, my alma mater.  The title of the discussion was “Women’s Leadership in the Workplace” and featured three top executives out of different industries who provided insight and advice on how they achieved their career goals and overcame the challenges that being an executive and mother in a competitive work environment can often present.  From a business perspective, it was extremely helpful to connect with alumni, learn about their positions and companies, and develop a connection that may open up some different doors for me to explore.  On a personal note, it was extremely interesting to listen and learn how others tackled the obstacles of a being a working mom since this is something that I’m newly discovering.  I left feeling informed, connected, and extremely motivated!! 

Connecting with business and personal contacts, colleagues in the same field, career and alumni resources, social media outlets such as and Facebook are only the first step to getting closer to your goal and learning something that will help you along the way.