
Career Exploration with Futures & Options

We hosted a Career Exploration Field Trip Yesterday!

Futures and Options is a non-profit organization very close to the hearts of Team Clarity. Yesterday, we had the distinct pleasure of hosting a group of precocious NYC high schoolers enrolled in the program at our offices for a Career Exploration Field Trip. We began by telling the students about Clarity and our mission (that is, to match top companies with top talent by taking a consultative and human-centered approach, of course!). We then had a panel discussion with some of our team members where we shared our own personal experiences and stories about how we arrived here as professional career consultants in NYC!

After the panel and a Q&A session, we broke out into smaller groups where we each worked on outlining and delivering our professional elevator pitchー a brief summation and compelling delivery of our unique strengths! In NYC, you never know when you’ll meet someone that can change the course of your career, or simply be open to a conversation that could lead to your next internship. It’s crucial to be prepared for these chance encounters! Conveniently, elevator pitches can also be repurposed in an interview setting. We love working with job seekers at all stages of their careers on perfecting their skills in this department, so this activity was right up our alley! We had a great time collaborating, giving advice, and we learned a lot about these intelligent and hardworking students in the process.

Futures and Options and their programs are inspiring to us in many ways, and the students enrolled are nothing short of impressive. The organization opens doors for underserved youth that help them connect with opportunities to build meaningful professional careers. Their aim is to arm students with skills they need to refine their strengths and learn practical ways to transfer them into professional life. Their core focus areas are connecting them with internships, enrolling them in career essentials workshops, providing guidance on the college application process, and, giving access to apply for college scholarships.

The organization has a great network with many top companies. If you are interested in working with Futures & Options, hosting a field trip, or utilizing them to find great student-interns, ask us for an intro! You can also learn more about them here. 









